What is William Morrisons' Million Dollar Pips forex robot software?
Million Dollar Pips is a Low Risk Forex Robot, where only the best trades possible are carried out by the completely automated forex robot.
Million Dollar Pips software was developed and built by William Morrison who has over 18 years experience in software development.
The software is designed to trade on the forex (foreign exchange) automatically and comes with a very simple step by step guide on how to set it up for low risk trading and to start making profits, literally set it, forget it, earn it.
I must be honest and say when I first saw the software set-up, I thought is that it, is that all I have to do to start making money, believe me it is so very simple, which suits me, I hate software that is complicated it drives me crazy.
His software took him 1.5 years to perfect until he got what he was striving for – the best forex robot software on the internet.
How the Million Dollar Pips works:
Once you have downloaded the forex software, you will be shown how to input the data needed to start forex robot trading, I found that the instructions on this part were very easy to understand, straight forward and well written, this is push button software at its best, I love simplicity.
So basically you just install and configure and that’s all you need to do, easy.
So, after the initial setup I sorted out the settings then just let it run automatically while I went and made a cup of tea and ate a cookie, guess what, when I came back the software had actually made me some money and because Million Dollar Pips robot only has a few pips for a stop loss it means it stops trading when it knows it can’t win, so you can’t lose.
I couldn’t believe it actually worked, so now all I do is set it and forget it and wait for the profits to keep building, and they do, day after day.
The Cons of Williams’ Million Dollar Pips
Just like every product and book I have ever reviewed, nothing is perfect and here are the minor flaws I noticed after using Williams product:
Actually I could not find a single thing wrong with Williams product, I tried to think of something as I always like to have at least one negative about a product so it looks like I am being unbiased, but honestly, I can’t find any fault with it, so there.
The Pros of Williams’ Million Dollar Pips
- Very accurate, which is very important when using software that is dealing in your money!
- Very simple to use, the interface and push button step by step guide is spot on.
- Fully automated, you can leave Williams forex robot running and go out for the day, come back and it will still be running like clockwork making your profits rise, brilliant.
- It has a safe and unique scalping strategy, Scalping is an intra-day technique that usually has the trader holding a position for a few minutes, so more time to make a profit, sounds good to me.
- Effective money management, easily handles your money management.
- No Martingale, as discussed in my previous post (A Martingale is a probability theory, a sequence of random variables). Its like a betting strategy and you sure don’t want to bet with your money do you, so this piece of kit is guaranteed to boost your profits.
- NFA compliant, The National Futures Association (NFA) is an independent self-regulatory organization and watchdog of the commodities and futures industry in the United States, so basically its looks out for you, it protects investors from fraudulent commodities and futures activities, which is a very good thing indeed when Forex Trading.
Million Dollar Pips, in my opinion is one of the best no nonsense Forex Robot on the market. William, the creator comes across as a man who has real expertise in the software field and has developed a fantastic product.
So if you want to start using on of the best forex trading robots the easy way and make profits while you sleep then why not give it try. Read More...
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